Hosting ice cream socials is one of my favorite things to do! I love it so much that last year I bought a fun ice cream maker and a waffle cone maker, and with the help of my oldest daughter, we made waffle cones for days. This summer, she’s been selling the ice cream at her neighborhood ice cream stand, and I keep some of the supplies for myself to have friends over for a fun, summer treat. What flavors should you serve? Strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla are all classic flavors and you can’t really go wrong. Don’t have an ice cream maker? We have no-churn options. Don’t want to make your own ice cream? Buy it from the store!

Toppings Are a Must !

You can’t have an ice cream bar without toppings!

Fresh fruit is always fun.If you really want to impress your guests, homemade cookie crumbles would be delightful.Easy toppings like nuts, marshmallows, pretzels, chopped up Oreos, and sprinkles are ready to go and always well received. Whipped cream and maraschino cherries add the final touch!

It’s an Ice Cream Party—Have fun!

The whole purpose of an ice cream social is to just enjoy the moment with those you love. Don’t stress yourself over making things perfect. Trust me, I’ve done it so many times, and when it comes down to it, people are just happy to be together and will love anything you put together. Sara Bir joins Claudia in compiling this list.