If you are observing Lent this year, you know that starting on March 2, the next seven Fridays require a meal makeover. Let’s take this as an opportunity to eat a variety of fish and cook a wide range of quick, easy, and family-friendly dinners. That sounds like a good goal, no matter if you are observing Lent or not. If seafood or fish isn’t a part of your typical grocery shopping list, we have a few tips to help you plan the most delicious dinners. 

Plan to buy about 5 ounces of fish per person. Cook the fish within a day or two to maintain optimal freshness. When purchasing a whole fish, look for bright red gills and eyes that aren’t sunken. Another tell-tale sign your fish is fresh? It will have a very mild fish smell.When buying fillets, look for similar sized pre-cut fillets to ensure even cooking. The fillets should be firm, shiny, and not dried out or darker around the edges.Another purchasing option is frozen fillets. Look for wild caught if available, and thaw in the refrigerator overnight before using. Not all recipes require fresh fish, though! Smoked salmon and oil-packed tuna are readily available and require zero prep work. 

Now, that you’re all prepped, let’s dive into some mouthwatering recipes that your entire family will enjoy!