“Wadaya mean I don’t have enough sandwiches? I’ve got plenty of sandwiches,” said I. Dad proceeded to rattle off a list of sandwiches he likes that he couldn’t find on the site, ending with, “and you don’t even have the arugula focaccia sandwich!” as if given how much arugula we grow around here the very omission was a sin of the highest order. “Can’t do anything about that dad, arugula is out of season.” A little while later my father went out and returned with some freshly baked focaccia bread, tomatoes, mozzarella, and a bunch of arugula he foraged from Whole Foods. The pain of spending $2.50 on a handful of arugula that grows like weeds half the year in our garden was not lost on him, or me for that matter. “Oh, the sacrifices I make for your site,” he joked, adding, “Tell your readers they can substitute watercress if they can’t find arugula.” And there you have it.