I may not have loved some veggies as a child, but as an adult, I crave them. If not for the fact that the other members of my family love their greens too, I could easily eat an entire serving bowl of pretty much any of the veggies that regularly grace our table. This baby bok choy dish by my mother, case in point. I think I ate most of the bowl, and then begged her to make it again the next day so I could get some good photos. (Baby bok choy, baby bok choy, try saying that 3 times fast!) Wonderfully simple, with bok choy, peppers, and green onions fresh from the farmers market, this stir-fry doesn’t even need added salt, there is enough naturally in the bok choy itself. Updated from the recipe archive. First posted 2009. Add the sliced yellow peppers and chopped green onion, and cook, stirring occasionally, until lightly browned. (Keep a watch so that the onions don’t burn.) Serve immediately.