This is one of my favorites, a yellow curry in a coconut milk base, with chicken, onions, jalapeños, lime juices, and plenty of fresh basil. We use chicken thigh meat because its stronger flavor holds up well to all the spices. It comes together quickly, and makes for good leftovers too! This is a mild curry. You can increase the heat with more cayenne. Please note that jalapeños vary greatly in heat.  Check the spiciness of your jalapeños and adjust the recipe to taste. Note that what we usually buy labelled “curry powder” is just a spice mix, made up of various spices, like those in the following ingredients, including a good portion of turmeric, which gives the curry powder its yellow color. Feel free to experiment a little with the spices listed here to get the taste you like the best. Add the ginger, garlic and spice mixture and toss to combine, cook for 1 minute. Thai Green Basil Curry with Chicken, from The Perfect Pantry Jungle Curry, from Rasa Malaysia Thai Green Curry with Fish and Basil, from Hunter Angler Gardener Cook