It’s packed with potpourri of berries, speckled with banana slices, and held together with a grape-juice based gelatin. Think Jello, but a grown-up, sophisticated version, with all natural ingredients and much less sugar. I first got the idea from a Martha Stewart recipe in her (now defunct) Every Day Food magazine from years ago. Since then we’ve made versions with rhubarb, nectarines, cherries, and pluots. Basically any easily slice-able fruit will do. You can layer the fruit so that when you slice the terrine you get a decorative pattern (red white and blue for patriotic holidays), or do what I’ve done here and just toss them all together in a jumble. It’s all good. Every bite comes with an explosion of fruit. Enjoy! Want a visual step-by-step? Check out the video below! Remove from heat and stir in the gelatin mixture until it has dissolved. Stir in the remaining 1 1/2 cups of grape juice. Run a dull knife around the edge of the pan as well. Place a serving platter topside down on top of the loaf pan and turn the whole thing over. Shake gently to release the mold. Slice to serve. Links: Strawberry Rhubarb Terrine - here on Simply Recipes Vegan version made with agar from Fatfree Vegan Kitchen.