So, how to make a broccoli salad if you don’t like raw broccoli? The solution — blanch the broccoli for 1 minute, or no more than two minutes. The broccoli will still be firm enough for the salad, the color will be even prettier, because blanching brings out the green, and the taste will be less raw and more cooked.

Other Ingredients in This Broccoli Salad

In this recipe, the broccoli pairs wonderfully with the toasted almonds, bacon, peas, and onion. The honey and vinegar in the dressing adds some sweet and sour to the mix. Normally I cringe at the thought of broccoli salad, but honestly, this is one of the tastiest salads I’ve ever made, broccoli or not.

Prep Salad Ingredients to Make Ahead

This salad needs at least an hour to chill in the fridge before serving, or up to six hours or so. The salad is best served the day it’s made. If you’d like to prep further ahead, you can blanch the broccoli, fry the bacon, and make the dressing a a day or two ahead. Keep them refrigerated separately, and wait to assemble the final salad until the day you plan to serve them.

When to Serve Broccoli Salad

This salad will happily grace any buffet spread, from a summer cookout to a holiday gathering. It pairs well with almost any main dish, but it goes particularly well with chicken, steak, or salmon.

More Easy Side Salads to Try!

Cold Pea Salad Classic Coleslaw Carrot Salad Waldorf Salad Black Bean Salad

1 cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 1/4 cup honey

One minute will turn the broccoli bright green and leave it still pretty crunchy. Two minutes will cook the broccoli through, but it will still be firm. Set your timer and do not cook for more than 2 minutes, or the broccoli will get mushy. Drain the broccoli and immediately put into a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking. After the broccoli cools, drain it well (pat dry on a clean tea towel or put in a salad spinner to remove excess moisture).