My father calls it “nature’s fast food.” We’ve been known to go through a couple 2-pound Dungeness crabs just for lunch!

Freshness Is Imperative

As with all seafood, the crab’s freshness is imperative. I once had to return crab to the market because it just wasn’t edible. My bad, I forgot to check. Although your fish monger should be checking before handing it over to you, you really do need to inspect it before paying for it and taking it home. The best way to test is to smell. If it smells too strong or fishy, it’s not good. Fresh crab should smell like an ocean breeze and lightly sweet.

The Best Crab Dip!

What to do with leftover crabmeat when your eye is hungrier than your stomach? Mix it into a fresh crab dip, refrigerate it overnight and eat it the next day. If you are no where near a place that sells good, fresh crab, you can of course use canned crab. Trader Joe’s has a good product. That said, truly fresh crab will always be better than canned. Other ways to use this crab dip? Try mixing with pasta for a lovely crab pasta salad. Yum!

Looking for a hot version of this dip? Try this recipe for Hot Crab Dip.

Best Served Chilled

Crab dip is better once it’s chilled and had a little time for all the flavors to marry. Let it chill for at least two hours in the fridge, or up to overnight — just cover the bowl with plastic wrap or transfer the dip to an air-tight container. Do try to use it up quickly though. Crab, like fish, shrimp, and other seafood, does not benefit from time. Best to make it, chill it, and eat it.

Love Crab? Try These Recipes

Classic King Crab Puerto Rican Salmorejo (Stewed Crab and Tomatoes with Rice) Crab Cakes Crab Bisque Crab Salad Panini

Gently fold in the crabmeat. Salt and pepper to taste.