What Is Cream of Spinach Soup?

It’s basically a vichyssoise, with spinach in addition to the potatoes, and can be served either hot or chilled. Defrost and drain frozen spinach before adding it to the soup. To defrost, use one of these methods.

Put the frozen spinach package in the refrigerator overnight.Leave the frozen spinach package at room temperature for about 5 hours.Defrost in the microwave — removed from the package and in a microwave-safe bowl — on the defrost setting for about 2 minutes.

Squeeze as much liquid as possible out of the defrosted spinach before adding it to the soup in Step 2.

Soup Too Thin? There’s a Fix!

Thickening puréed soup is easy. If your soup is too liquidy for your liking, we have a few techniques that will work for thickening this cream of spinach soup.

How to Store and Reheat This Recipe

Refrigerate tightly covered for up to 4 days. Reheat over medium-low heat at a simmer until heated through. We don’t recommend freezing this soup. The texture will change because of the potatoes. Also, the dairy may separate.

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Add spinach and cook for 2 to 4 minutes longer until spinach is tender. This soup can be served hot or chilled. Garnish with chopped chives, sprinkles of allspice, or a dollop of sour cream.