For the best corn on the cob, keep these tips and techniques in mind.

Choosing Fresh Ears of Corn

You don’t need to peel back the husks on every ear of corn to find the best choices when shopping. In fact, doing so can decrease the shelf-life of the ear, so even if you take that one home with you and don’t cook it right away you aren’t doing yourself any favors.Start by giving the husks a good look. They should be bright green and tightly wrapped to the ear of corn with no signs of drying out. It’s better if they are a little damp, although not noticeably wet. Also make sure that you don’t spy any small brown holes in the husk which can be an indication of bugs.Next, check out the exposed, golden silks at the top of the ear of corn. They reveal details about the freshness of the ear beneath the husk. These silks should be golden to dark brown, but not black or showing signs of decay. Also, make sure they’re slightly sticky versus dried out. Dryness can indicate a less fresh ear.Gently rub your fingers on the outside of the ear to trace the kernels through the husk. You should feel each kernel and not find any soft spots that could indicate that the ear is already going bad.If it passes all these tests, then feel free to take it home. The odds are in your favor that you’ve picked a fresh ear of corn on the cob!

Keep in mind that even the freshest-looking corn might come home with a visitor. Most sweet corn doesn’t run the risk of having a worm inside, but if you buy it at the farmers market or grow your own, there is always a slight chance. The good news is that most of the time these worms hang out at the very top of the ear and they are easy to discard once you are in the kitchen and prepping your corn. These earworms feed on the silks of the corn so they tend to have little impact on the kernels. You can remove the worm and cut off any spots that may have damaged the kernels then boil the corn as usual.

How to Shuck Corn

There are a lot of tips floating around for how to shuck corn, but none of them work better than simply using two hands and a trash can. The silks can be messy, so I do like to shuck outside if I’m preparing several ears to make clean up easier. Grasp the top of the browned silks and pull them apart, get a good grip of the husks and silks, then pull them down and away from the corn. Repeat until the husks are removed, then go back and gently pick off any remaining silks. It’s true that the silks slip right off the corn when the ear is microwaved in the husk. It’s important to note that this is only a good option when you are completely cooking corn in the microwave, not when you plan to boil it. Microwaving the corn and then boiling it will lead to tough kernels.

How Long to Boil Corn

A fresh ear of corn can quickly be ruined by boiling it too long. Three to four ears of corn will be done in 3 to 5 minutes. The changes in the corn are very subtle, but they are there if you watch closely. The kernels will plump slightly and turn one shade darker. The color change is harder to notice with white corn, but it does darken a little bit. Carefully remove the corn from the pot with tongs immediately once you see these minor changes. And yes, leftover corn on the cob can be frozen! If you don’t want to heat up your kitchen with a pot of boiling water, throw that corn on the grill! It’s another fantastic way to enjoy fresh corn.

Recipes That Pair Well with Corn on the Cob

Rosemary Chicken Skewers with Berry Sauce Pulled Pork Sandwich Citrus-Brined Grilled Pork Chops Portobello Mushroom Burger BBQ Chicken on the Grill