Except that butter melts more easily. Ay, there’s the rub! Butter starts to melt around 89.5°F, but the average body temperature is 98.6°F. Many-a hopeful pie maker has been thwarted by pie dough that became greasy, sticky, or soft enough to fall apart as they handled it. That’s why food processors gained ground as the tool of choice: they cut down on the time your warm hands get pawsy with the dough. The food processor method is how I learned, in fact. But over the years, I gained confidence and learned a few key secrets to making pie dough by hand, which I find easier and ultimately faster than using a food processor.

The Case for Pie Dough by Hand

I hate washing a food processorNot everyone has oneThe baked crust is superior

Why does pie dough made by hand bake into a more noteworthy crust? Because pulsing cubes of butter in a food processor makes rounded bits. In the oven, these bake into a tender crust.  But when you make dough by hand, you use your fingertips to smoosh the cold butter bits into flakes. Rolling the dough out stretches these flakes into layers that puff up in the oven and become crispy, flaky pie dough versus the melty-tender pie dough you get from the food processor method.  Both have merit, but my preference is a flaky crust and no food processor to wash.

Temperature Is Everything

Have you ever heard the saying “cold hands, warm heart”? Its origins have nothing to do with pie, but it does illustrate an important point. The natural temperature of your hands will determine the ease with which you can make an all-butter crust.  My average body temperature seems to hover around 97°F and my hands in particular are always slightly warmer than a corpse. The only time this trait is advantageous is in working with pastry, when nuances of half a degree can make the difference between the pliable yet firm butter desirable for pie dough and the soft, greasy butter that’s better suited for slathering all over corn on the cob.  Generally speaking, the less handsy you are with pie dough, the better it will be. But this is especially true for those of you who run hot. Your hands are natural butter-melting machines. How, then, do you have any hope of making an all-butter crust with them?

Tips for Keeping Your Cool 

The tips are the coolest part of your fingers. Use your fingertips to bring the dough together rather than your whole hands. Rely on tools if it helps. For the hot-blooded, gadgets can be lifesavers. Pastry cutters are made just for cutting the butter into the dough in a hands-free manner. Or just use a fork.Your fridge and freezer are big assets. Keeping your ingredients and dough cold at all times during the process will make the path to perfect pie dough a smooth one. If your dough is getting soft or greasy, put it in the fridge or freezer for 15 minutes to get it firmed up again. As you wait, take a breather. Pie dough can tell when you are rushed or anxious. Remember, it’s only pie! 

Thank you to The Castle in Marietta, Ohio, for hosting us for this photo shoot.

Pies to Bake With Buttery Crusts

Rhubarb Pie Pumpkin Pie Blackberry Pie Apple Pie Peach Pie

You can double this recipe for 2 crusts (for a double crust pie, for example), but for those who are first-timers, I recommend making one crust at a time until you have the hang of it. Mix the flour, salt, and sugar in a large bowl. Set aside. Cube the butter into 1/4-inch chunks, or—this is my preference—quickly grate it using the coarse holes of a box grater. If the butter is starting to get soft, pop it in the freezer for 10  minutes. Generously flour a clean counter or pastry cloth. Dust the rolling pin and the dough itself on both sides well with flour. If the dough has been in the fridge for more than a few hours, let it sit out for 15 minutes before rolling it out. To line a 9-inch pie dish, you’ll want a circle of dough at least 14 inches across. To make a fluted edge, gently fold the inch of overhanging dough so you can tuck it under itself, making a clean, thick edge. Then use your thumb and forefinger to pinch and flute the edges.  Don’t worry about a picture-perfect crust! Imperfections often disappear once the pie is baked.  To blind-bake the crust (fully bake the crust without any filling), proceed as you would with any other pie dough. Love the recipe? Leave us stars below!