I just love saying that word.

What Is Rutabaga?

What’s a rutabaga? Well, it’s sort of a large turnip glancing in the direction of a sweet potato. It’s yellow in color on the inside, and tastes sort of like a turnip, but somewhat less bitter. It’s also called a “Swede” or a Swedish turnip. I don’t think you can escape Minnesota without having had your fair share of rutabagas, and my dad is no exception. He loves them. Tosses them into anything that calls for root vegetables. When I mentioned we were mashing up some rutabagas, he came by lickety-split, and then didn’t leave until he ate half of them. Yes, we love rutabagas here, and this mashed version is an excellent way to serve them. How about you? Are you a rutabaga fan? If so, what’s your favorite way of serving them? Please let us know in the comments. Rutabagas are a little more yellow and oblong than turnips, which are whiter and rounder. They are usually larger then turnips (since large turnips can turn woody, they are usually harvested when they are small). Rutabagas range from about the size of a tennis ball to as large as your head, depending on where they are grown and when they are harvested.

Mashed Rutabagas vs. Mashed Potatoes

Mashed rutabagas can be a low-carb substitute for mashed potatoes. Although they are higher in sugar, they contain half the calories of mashed potatoes. But why choose? You can actually mix the two and make mashed rutabagas with potatoes!

When are Rutabagas in Season?

You’ll start seeing these fun root vegetables in October. They are harvested from October through November, but may be seen in the produce section of your grocery store well into March, due to their long storage life. Those sold in regular grocers are often coated with wax, to increase their shelf life. So, be sure to peel the skin before cooking. If you get your rutabagas from the farmers market, they’ll be wax-free and just need some good scrubbing before cooking. Look for rutabagas that are firm and feel heavy for their size.

How to Store Rutabagas

If your rutabagas have the tops, remove them before storage. Be sure they are not bruised or damaged for longer term storage. They do well in cold places, like the crisper drawer of your refrigerator. You can wrap them in a cloth or paper towel in an unsealed plastic bag before putting them in the fridge. Don’t wash them before storing, since moisture will encourage mold or rotting. They’ll keep for 4 to 5 months this way.

What to Serve with Mashed Rutabagas

Classic Baked Chicken Mom’s Perfect Pork Chops Lemon Chicken Peppercorn Steak Easy Broiled Steak

More Root Vegetable Recipes

Roasted Root Vegetables With Tomatoes and Kale Root Vegetable Skillet Pot Pie Roasted Parsnips Classic Glazed Carrots Celery Root Mash