I grew up in a New Jersey town with lots of Jewish people, so I received an early education in things like the Seder, or Purim or Hannukah. I remember this dish as a quick meal my friends’ mothers would make when I came over during Passover. I remember it as “maht-zuh-brai,” with the “brai” rhyming with “try.” I only later learned that it’s spelled matzo brei.

What is Matzo Brei?

Matzo brei is a Jewish version of a universal breakfast: A bready thing with eggs. It’s sorta like huevos rancheros, or leftover dumplings and eggs. It is ridiculously simple, with as many incarnations as there are cooks.

How To Make Matzo Brei

Some like their matzo, which is an unleavened flatbread, heavily soaked in water or milk. Some don’t soak their matzo at all. A typical ratio of matzo to egg is 1:1, which is what we use here, but I’ve seen two matzo sheets to one egg, as well as the reverse. Then there is the question: Savory or sweet?

What Kind of Matzo Works Best for Matzo Brei?

Traditional matzo is what we use here, but you could also use whole wheat or even gluten-free matzo. Do not use egg matzo, as it is too soft. Some places sell a thicker type of handmade matzo, often made from a special flour called shmura. It’s fine to use, but you will need to soak it longer.

Sweet Vs. Savory Matzo Brei

Savory matzo brei is really best cooked in schmaltz, rendered chicken fat. No other cooking fat comes close to being as good, except maybe duck fat. But vegetable oil is commonly used, as is butter — so long as the butter is kosher if you are keeping kosher. Butter is the best fat for sweet matzo brei, which is most often served with powdered sugar, cinnamon sugar, apple sauce, jam or preserves. We added a bit of orange flower water to the recipe for a bit of extra oomph, but you could skip it if you want. Ever eaten matzo brei? If so, how is yours different from ours?

4 tablespoons chicken fat or vegetable oil, divided 1 medium onion, sliced Pinch sugar 4 large eggs 4 sheets matzo Salt and black pepper, to taste Chives or parsley, chopped for garnish

Sweet Matzo Brei

4 large eggs 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons milk, divided Pinch salt Pinch sugar 1/2 teaspoon orange-flower water, optional 4 sheets matzo 2 tablespoons unsalted butter Cinnamon sugar or powdered sugar, for garnish, optional Apple sauce, jam or preserve, on the side, optional

Sweet Matzo Brei Serve garnished with cinnamon or powdered sugar, apple sauce on the side or something else sweet, like your favorite jam or preserves.