Chopped oats provide these pancakes with plenty of texture and a satisfying nutty, earthy taste. Oatmeal pancakes are sure to please any palate but those sensitive to gluten will be especially appreciative of this breakfast because there is no wheat flour. Just make sure your oats are labeled “gluten-free!” A food processor makes quick work of this breakfast by blending whole oats into oat flour. Just set aside a small amount of oats to add to the final batter and grind the rest in your food processor (5 seconds!). Add the remaining ingredients to the ground oats; push the button for a couple of pulses, and you’re done!

Tips for Cooking the Perfect Pancake

Pick the correct pan: A griddle is my first choice for making pancakes because it’s a wide shallow pan without the tall sides of a skillet. Shorter sides make it easier to flip the pancakes. If you don’t have a griddle, a well-seasoned cast-iron skillet is also a good choice even though the pancakes may be a bit harder to flip because of the higher sides. Both distribute the heat evenly and are essentially non-stick. Failing those two options, use a non-stick skillet.Lightly oil the griddle/pan: Whether using a skillet or griddle, a thin slick of oil or a pat of butter is all you need. Drizzle a few drops of oil (or a pat of butter) in the pan and spread it around. Repeat between each new round of batter. I prefer oil to butter, but really either will work.Cook on medium-low temperature: Low and slow is the way to go. Once the pan is hot, turn the heat to medium-low. The pancakes cook slowly, giving the outsides time to brown and the insides time to cook. A hot griddle may burn the pancakes too quickly on the outside, leaving the inside raw.Know when to flip: Once bubbles form on the surface of the batter and the edges start to look a little dry, it’s time to flip. Slide a wide spatula under the pancake (try not to move it) and peek to make sure it is brown. Then slide the spatula all the way under the pancake and flip it. The first side takes longer to cook than the second.

Can You Refrigerate or Freeze Leftover Pancakes?

Yes and no. You can refrigerate pancakes for up to 5 days. Cool them, then stack on a plate between waxed paper and cover with plastic wrap. Reheat them in the microwave, or spread them on a baking sheet and reheat them in a 350°F oven. If you want to freeze them, layer them between waxed or parchment paper and enclose them in a plastic freezer bag. Store for up to 2 months. Reheat in the same way as the refrigerated pancakes. The only downside is that they do lose a little of that hot-off-the-griddle, crisp-on-the-outside quality, but then, slathered with butter and syrup, it may not matter all that much!

You Can Never Have Too Many Pancake Recipes!

Lemon Ricotta Pancakes Chocolate Chip Pancakes with Raspberry Sauce Homemade Pancake Mix Buckwheat Pancakes How to Make Fluffy Buttermilk Pancakes

Pour the batter into a bowl and stir in the remaining 1/2 cup oats. Let stand for 5 to 10 minutes. The mixture will not be not completely smooth, and it will thicken as it sits. If the batter becomes too thick at any point feel free to thin with some of the remaining buttermilk.