Pretty much anything can go into fried rice—usually a combination of veggies, beaten egg, and a protein such as the shrimp we are using in this recipe, or chicken, fish, or tofu. This recipe for Shrimp Fried Rice comes from my dear friend Jaden of She learned how to make the best fried rice from her mother (after a rather funny failed attempt when she was a teen). It’s super easy, and comes together in less than half an hour.

Tricks to Perfect Fried Rice

Recipe reprinted with permission from Jaden’s fabulous The Steamy Kitchen Cookbook: 101 Asian Recipes Simple Enough for Tonight’s Dinner. See her book for more recipes! When the pan is very hot (a drop of water instantly sizzles when it hits the pan), swirl in one tablespoon of the cooking oil to coat the pan. Flip the shrimp over and let them fry on the other side for another 30 seconds or until they are mostly cooked through. (Do not cook them all the way!) Use a slotted spoon to scoop the shrimp out of the pan to a bowl. When the eggs are not quite cooked through, still a bit runny, transfer them from the pan to the bowl with the cooked shrimp. Then add the leftover cooked rice to the pan and stir with the green onions to mix well. Spread the rice onion mixture over the surface of the pan and let it fry, without moving it. You should hear the rice sizzle. Cook for about 1 to 2 minutes. Use a spatula to turn over the rice, and spread it over the pan again. Let cook for a minute longer. Add the carrots, peas, shrimp, eggs, and sesame oil, stirring to combine well. Heat everything until sizzling hot. Add more soy sauce to taste.