It’s sort of like frittata meets quiche meets Spanish tortilla. The torta has more structure than a frittata, it is sturdier than a quiche, it’s more delicately flavored than the tortilla. Like best friends in a sandbox, smoked salmon, leeks, potatoes, and dill play well together! They especially enjoy each other’s company in this recipe. The torta can be served warm or room temperature. You can make it ahead and reheat to serve. Leftovers (I doubt you’ll have any!) keep well for days. If you are using a springform pan, wrap the outside of the pan tightly with foil to prevent leakage in the next step. Then lay down another layer of potatoes and smoked salmon. Add another third of the egg and leek mixture. Line the top of the torta with the rest of the potato slices and cover with the remaining egg mixture. Remove from oven and run a blunt knife around the edges of the pan to gently separate the torta from the pan while it’s still warm. Let cool to lightly warm or room temperature before slicing and serving.