A Pesto for Winter?

The second basil pops up at the farmers’ market, it’s a sure thing that there will soon be a container of freshly made pesto in my fridge, ready to be used in endless ways–served over grilled chicken or swirled into homemade hummus. But once we roll into fall and the basil goes away, my culinary sadness begins. Or it used to. You see, I’ve got a little pesto-digitation at the ready: sun-dried tomato pesto.

How to Make Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto

While nothing like basil, sun-dried tomatoes are actually a great stand-in when it comes to pesto. They’re a punchy, sweet-and-savory umami bomb. When paired with walnuts, salty cheese, a few garlic cloves, and plenty of olive oil, you have a fabulous cold-season pesto at the ready. Like most pesto, this recipe comes together quickly. A short blitz in a food processor or blender (or, if you’re going super old school, a slow smash with a mortar and pestle) and you’re set to go.

A Flexible Pesto Recipe

This recipe is extremely flexible, so think of it more as a set of guidelines. Don’t have Parmesan? Pecorino or asiago work just as well. I’ve even used feta. As for the nuts, slightly bitter walnuts are my favorite to balance the natural sweetness of the tomatoes, but I’ve used peanuts, almonds, and pecans and loved them all. If I have a jar of roasted sweet red peppers on hand, I cut them into quarters and add one or two to the mix for more sweetness, but if you don’t have them, then don’t stress.

Ways to Use Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto

Now, while the go-to use might be for dressing pasta (and yes, you absolutely should), I use this pesto as an all-purpose condiment. It’s a lovely mix-in for soups, as a spread on sandwiches, a topping for bruschetta, and for dolloping over roasted vegetables and meats. The pesto is sweet and salty, but not overly so, with a tinge of bitterness from the walnuts. It’s a phenomenal equalizer and balancer, bringing to dishes that “little something” that might be missing.

How to Store and Freeze Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto

This pesto keeps for about a week in the fridge, but will store in the freezer for three months before it begins to lose its potency. This is great because even when basil comes back in season, it’s a guarantee that I’ll get the sudden craving for this ruddy pesto again. When freezing, be sure to pack the pesto tightly in an airtight container to force out any air pockets; otherwise it can lose flavor. After removing the pesto from the fridge or freezer, bring it to room temperature before using, as the olive oil will have turned solid from the cold.

More Pesto Recipes!

Fresh Basil Pesto Kale Pesto Carrot Top Pesto Arugula Pesto Ramp and Parsley Pesto

Although you don’t have to toast the nuts for this recipe, it’s encouraged. You’ll get a lot more flavor out of them. With the motor running, steam in the olive oil, pausing to scrape down the sides once or twice, until the pesto has a uniform, but not-quite-pureed, consistency. (You want to ensure there’s still a bit of chunkiness to get a nice, toothsome texture.) Use right away or store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 1 week or in the freezer for up to 3 months for when needed.